4 Tips for Healing Dry or Cracked Skin
From the blazing heat of summer to the dry, bitter cold of winter, there is seemingly almost no respite for your skin year round. Luckily there are plenty of great ways to defend your skin against the elements and keep you glowing and radiant in any weather. Here are just a few tips you can use this winter to give you the edge on mother nature.
1. Humidify
When it comes to keeping your skin from drying out in the winter, there is a classic catch-22 that occurs when you come indoors. The cold winter air can and will dry out your skin, but when you turn up the heat, the moisture in the air is rapidly removed, leaving your skin even more vulnerable to cracking and pealing. There are a couple of things you can do fight against the cold.
The first thing you can do is stay informed. There are hygrometer apps in both the Apple app store as well as the Android app store that measure the humidity in your area so you can know what you are up against when you are about to leave your house every morning.
The other, even more important, thing you can do is invest in a humidifier for your bedroom. That way you can stay nice and cozy while you sleep without having to worry abut the dry air effecting your skin.
2. Make Sure Cracked Skin Heals
Sometimes the cracking of dry skin is unavoidable during the coldest winter days. In the event that you can’t stop your dry skin from cracking, you need to take immediate steps to ensure that these cracks heal and aren’t left to get worse as the winter months drag on. Many dermatologists recommend using just a tiny dab of superglue to assist the healing process and protect the sensitive area from being damaged further. The main ingredients in super glue is the same as liquid adhesives so it is perfectly healthy. All you need to do is push the edges of the crack together, apply a small dab of super glue, and hold the edges together until the glue dries. This will let the sensitive area heal quickly and keep the problem from getting worse!
3. Cover Up
It pretty much goes without saying that you should cover up during winter but, in order for you to protect your lips from cracking and chapping, you should cover them as well. Your lips are the most sensitive area of your skin that are constantly exposed to the elements. It is important to apply lip balm before going out in the cold and, if you live in a particularly frigid climate, it is a good idea to keep them covered with a scarf or shawl.
By far the most important thing you can do to keep your skin from drying out in the winter is moisturize your skin several times daily. Prevention techniques like humidifiers and drinking lots of water will only go so far, the best thing to do for dry skin is to replenish the moisture it needs as often as you can. Before you even start to see symptoms of dry skin, it is important to maintain your moisturizing schedule to ensure that you never will.
For the latest in moisture providing, as well as retaining, technology, Lira Clinical has you covered. Stock up for the winter on the finest in moisturizing products that provide a complete solution to any potential or existing dry skin problem. See the complete list of various moisturizing solutions at LiraClinical.com!