Here is to 2021 and All the Positive Changes to Come!

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Lira Clinical

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The Lira Clinical founders would like to express how inspiring it is to witness such ingenuity, resourcefulness, and perseverance in the challenge that is 2020. We also wish to express gratitude for trusting Lira Clinical as a partner in your career and business. YOU inspire us and here is how:

Be Connected – Being connected is key to human survival. As human beings, we are social creatures. We survive and thrive from human interaction. In times like these, it is important to use technology until we can meet in person again, to shake hands, high five, or even hug hello. Even though we cannot meet in person, at trade shows, in classes, or visits to your office, you have remained connected by participating in webinar presentations, video conferences, and especially positive social media exchanges. We are grateful that you have chosen to stay connected to us.

Be Connected

Be Educated – Education is key in keeping your mind sharp and contributes to your overall well-being; mentally, physically, and professionally. Working, socializing, leisure activities, and education are all important ways to encourage mental stimulation. This mental stimulation not only contributes to a healthy brain, but also supports emotional, physical, psychological, and neurological health. Stimulating your mind can be a key to calming it. With so many changes in the world, it is easy to focus on uneasy and anxious feelings. As 2020 began to rear its head, Lira Clinical turned up the volume on our powerful education. You tuned in and turned on to many new ideas, ingredients, and protocols. We thank you for having an open and sharpened mind!

Assessing Home Care Systems Preparing for Clinic Treatments

Be Healthy – Beauty and health are often interchangeable. Maintaining good health begins from the inside (eating well, positive thoughts, beauty rest) and continues to the outside (exercising to stimulate circulation). Achieving true beauty means striving for good health and a strong immune system. Continue to wear your face mask, eat healthy foods (with the exception of those few permissive weeks last spring), go for walks and let the sunshine on you (of course with your favorite SPF Solar Shield BB formulation)!

Be Healthy

Be You – You are strong. You are inspiring. You are resilient. Working through the uncertainties of 2020 has been challenging, tough, tricky, and exhausting. But you have created new ways of providing excellent care to your clients and patients. Though it may feel differently, you are not just getting through it, you are dominating it like the bright and shining star you are!

Be Yourself

It has been said that friends and relations come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. We want you to know that YOU are the reason we continue to strive to provide and perfect professional products, effective clinical protocols, and exciting, informative education. As we navigate the challenging “season” of our current situation as well as those in smoother times, you are (and have always been) our inspiration. We lead every decision with the intention of nurturing a “Lifetime” relationship with you, supporting, and encouraging your career to thrive. No doubt, 2020 is a year that has permanently changed the way we think and operate. As it is coming to a close, we recognize that collectively, we are tougher than we thought. Understanding that it is always darkest before the dawn, that light shines through cracks of broken things, and that rainbows follow storms, here is to 2021 and all the positive changes to come. Thank you! – Lira Clinical Founders

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