The 2022 Seasonal Skin Almanac
It is well documented that weather has a direct effect on the skin, but 2022 poses unique weather changes and challenges from what one would normally expect from the seasons.
The dance of El Niña (current weather pattern) and El Niño (the weather pattern we are moving into mid-year) will cause record lows, deep freezes, and conversely, anticipation of hotter than average temperatures. Large scale pressure changes will result in shifts in warm and cool phases. The switch from hot-to-cold-to-hot, and wet-to-dry-to-wet may feel like we are stuck in the weather’s game of Chutes and Ladders and means you should pack an umbrella, a jacket, a fan, goloshes, snow boots, and sandals just to be prepared.
Seasonal Changes and the Skin is a subject Lira Clinical has mastered and looking forward in 2022, has solutions to navigate the ever-changing, unpredictable highs and lows, dry and wet days ahead.
In the northern hemisphere, 2020 winter has been coined as the “Season of Shivers.” Colder temperatures mean exposure to elements both inside and outside. The use of heaters provides comfort, but also encourages indoor dryness. In cold weather, it is especially important to be sure you are both hydrating and moisturizing, while also protecting from cool weather free radical scavengers. Winter means shorter days and less outside activity, but daily SPF protection is still essentially important. Don’t forget the Solar Shield!
Summer 2022 is predicted to be the hottest on record with temperatures averaging one to six degrees higher than normal. Warmer temperatures could mean moisture and hydration loss, as well as an increase in inflammation and inflammatory opportunity. Nutrients that strengthen the skin, like topical probiotics, plant stem cells and minerals, lend to healthy skin function on hotter days.
Humidity and aridity both affect the skin in how the barrier function communicates with sebaceous glands. This is why we see acne in both oily and dry skin. Ensuring balance is key for targeting pesky breakouts before they start but also in addressing them once they make their grand (and unwelcomed) entrance. The perfect balance of hydration and moisture keep pimples and inflammation at bay.
From deep freezes to boiling temps, a few Lira Clinical products added to your arsenal will help your skin weather (pun intended) the upcoming roller coaster of seasons.
BIO Hydrating Mineral Mist – This refreshing facial mist hydrates, brightens, and calms making it the perfect addition to any skincare tool bag. Formulated with plant stem cells, antioxidants, gold and silver, this product quenches dry, irritated skin in all seasons.
BIO Hydra Infusion – Hydration and so much more! This incredible serum combines hyaluronic acid with silver ear mushroom extract, an advanced peptide complex and colloidal minerals to deliver essential hydration into each layer of the epidermis. It is perfect for all skin types and can be used as a standalone product or combined with your favorite moisturizer (BIO Lift Crème, BIO Caviar Crème) for a hydration boost.
PRO Anti-Aging Pads – This at-home treatment delivers the peel, peptide, and probiotic experience and is only available from a professional. Both alpha and beta hydroxy acids are combined with Lira Clinical’s healing peptide delivery system and a host of brightening agents leaving your skin soft and strong and ready to take on all extreme temperature changes. It works wonders for Anti-Aging, Acne, and Hyperpigmented skin.
PRO Retinal-Plus Treatment – The new PRO Retinal-Plus Treatment provides a triple threat in the fight against aging, acne, and pigment issues. Formulated with advanced stabilizing delivery molecules, it encourages fresh skin regeneration, brilliance and health without causing inflammation. It is great for all skin types, in all seasons.
MYSTIQ Cryo Masque – The MYSTIQ Cryo Masque is the perfect product to wick heat from the skin, calming inflammation while preventing trauma pigment opportunities. The cooling effect combined with peptides and the MASQ-tech™ Method stimulates the skin’s immune function, restoring compromised skin to a bright and healthy state.
ICE Clear Stick – This handy spot treatment is ideal to fight early acne lesions and pesky blemishes. Peptides, probiotics, and beta hydroxy acids fight acne opportunities while ginger root calms and MASQ-tech™ brightens trauma pigment. Ideal for active acne.
In 2022, there is no doubt that the weather will be unpredictable, but that does not mean your skincare has to be. The Lira Clinical Skin Almanac Cards take the guesswork out of product selection and are an excellent tool for the professional to help navigate through a home care and home treatment program.
The Lira Clinical prediction for 2022 is whether you find yourself in a hot or cold situation, a wet or dry destination, one thing is for sure, as long as you are using Lira Clinical products and protocols, there is no doubt that you will be bright and be beautiful!