Find Your pH Zen
Like most things in life, maintaining a healthy complexion is all about finding the balance. At the same time, nobody wants to be constantly messing with their skincare routine like an amateur alchemist so the question becomes: what is the simple answer to achieving a base level of skin health?
Unfortunately for some, the answer lies in an 8th grade science lecture. Don’t worry, we won’t drag you through those painful memories again. Instead, we’ll simply remind you of a little thing called pH balance. Achieving the optimal pH (potential of hydrogen) level for your skin is essential to avoid the perils of acidic, oily skin, or basic (in more ways than one) dry skin. But don’t fear, finding the middle ground is more simple than you might think.
What is pH?
How do You Balance/Maintain Skin pH?
- We can’t count on our collective fingers the am0unt of times we’ve stressed the importance of antioxidants to your skin but, alas, here we go again. Antioxidants work to both strengthen cells so they can operate at peak efficiency, as well as protect those cells from the dangers of the environment and oxidation. These functions keep your skin from producing too much sebum to make your skin oily and acidic while keeping your skin at the proper moisture level to prevent it from crossing over into alkaline territory.
Stay away from bar-soaps on your face
- Don’t get us wrong, keeping your face clean and clearing it of debris every day is important to skin health, but using harsh soaps or soaps with detergents can leave a lasting result on your skin’s health. Traditional soap is rather alkaline at an 8-10 on the pH scale so it doesn’t take long for it to dry out your skin, leaving it more susceptible to the dangers of the outside world.
- While SPFs of any kind help your skin by fending off the brutal nature of ultraviolet rays, they also help to protect your acid mantle. Too much of the sun’s effect on your skin can wear away at this vital safeguard so protecting your skin from the harmful sun is necessary in more ways than one.