Age Like Fine Wine with PRO Retinal-Plus Treatment

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Lira Clinical Education Team

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Having a glass of wine with friends can be a refreshing end to one’s day. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and longevity benefits can aid in a healthy heart and lifestyle. ‘Wine a little, laugh a lot’ sparks positive emotions as well as increased oxygen intake from laughter. Wine has a rich history in multiple cultures dating back to the Paleolithic period in China, Armenia, and surrounding civilizations along the Mediterranean. Our ancient ancestors fermented not only grapes, but rice wine was frequently produced in China dating back to 7000 B.C. in the Henan province. Month-long celebrations in both ancient Greek and Roman times toasted to Dionysus while remnants of white wine were found in the Egyptian tombs of Pharoah Tutankhamun.

There are numerous varieties of grapes that make up grape hybrids used today. Many are derived from Old World vines that have been merged with American, African, and Australian plantings. This makes up the countless wine varieties that we enjoy today. Taking from our vineyard varieties, our skin can benefit from the potent antioxidant combinations formulated in skincare products. A potent antioxidant found in both wine and skincare is resveratrol. Resveratrol protects against oxidative stress while aiding in skin firmness. Powerful anti-inflammatory properties prevent hyperpigmentation and age spot formation. Like most antioxidants, resveratrol can be unstable. Lira Clinical has utilized the latest in Hydroxysomes® product delivery to escort resveratrol’s supercharged antioxidant benefits into the skin in a stabilized form. Hydroxysome® Resveratrol prevents premature aging and maintains healthy skin. Resveratrol is delivered with micronutrients into the skin offering a direct pathway without inflammation and limiting skin irritation. This encourages natural hydration in the skin maintaining plump, volumized skin.

PRO Retinal-Plus

This revolutionary ingredient technology can be found in Lira Clinical’s PRO Retinal-Plus Treatment as a triple-threat to aging, acne, and pigment. As a home treatment, PRO Retinal-Plus Treatment can be used twice weekly to every evening determined by what the skin needs. So have a glass of wine for heart health and contact your Lira Clinical skincare professional for PRO Retinal-Plus Treatment, guiding you to bright, beautiful skin.

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